Dr. Jimmy Hang is a sports kinesiologist as a strength and conditioning coach certified by NSCA (National Strength & Conditioning Association). He also specializes in heart wellness as a cardiac physiologist. Dr. Hang only provides concierge sports performance training and wellness solutions.
He does not provide any traditional physical therapy services or treatments.
We encourage you to always consult with your medical physician for any medical advice. The content and description on this website and wellness services offered are for general educational purposes only to help people improve their overall health and well-being without the conventional medical side-effects and surgeries. Services offered will not make any medical claims and/or diagnosis or suggestions on medications. Always consult with your physician or primary medical professional if our services are specific to your needs and long-term health.
Video testimonials provided by clients or patients has been provided with written consent. Videos can be removed at any time for privacy as agreed per consent. Always consult with a healthcare professional should exercises provided are relevant to you. Never perform exercises without proper exercise trainer or physical therapist for your safety as well as others. By viewing the content on this site, I agreed to hold this youtube site and its creator of its content, videos, images, and person affiliated harmless of all damages including physical, emotional and financial loss.